Town of Scituate – Select Board Meeting Minutes
Town of Scituate
Select Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Meeting Details
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: 600 Chief Justice Cushing Highway, Scituate, MA
<h2>Select Board Members in Attendance</h2>
<li>Andrew W. Goodrich, Chair</li>
<li>Susan J. Harrison, Vice Chair</li>
<li>James M. Gilmore, Clerk</li>
<li>Karen B. Canfield</li>
<li>Karen E. Connolly</li>
<p><strong>Others in Attendance:</strong></p>
<li>Jim Boudreau, Town Administrator</li>
<li>Nancy Holt, Finance Director</li>
<h2>Call to Order and Acceptance of Agenda</h2>
<p><strong>Time:</strong> 6:32 PM</p>
<p><strong>Motion:</strong> Ms. Canfield moved to accept the agenda.</p>
<p><strong>Seconded by:</strong> Ms. Harrison</p>
<p><strong>Vote:</strong> Unanimous (5-0)</p>
<h3>Irish Student Delegation from Sister City West Cork</h3>
<p>The Board welcomed 21 students and 2 chaperones from West Cork as part of the Sister City Exchange Program. Each Board member expressed their delight with the program and hopes that Scituate feels like a second home to the delegation.</p>
<p>No Walk-Ins</p>
<h2>Report of the Town Administrator</h2>
<li><strong>Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Update:</strong> Site grubbing, debris removal, and installation of dewatering basin, roadways, and parking areas are underway.</li>
<li><strong>Town Clerk Early Voting:</strong> Early voting is available until November 1. Election Day is November 5 at the Scituate High School gym, from 7 AM to 8 PM.</li>
<li><strong>Police Training:</strong> Scituate Police Department is hosting a joint training program focused on active shooter response and high-risk situations at Old Gates School through October 25.</li>
<li><strong>Woods Hole Antenna Installation:</strong> Equipment is being installed on Oceanside Drive for a study from 2024-2026 to measure ocean currents, waves, and winds.</li>
<li><strong>Tax Reminder:</strong> Real estate and personal property taxes are due November 1.</li>
<li><strong>Fire Department Open House:</strong> Scheduled for October 27 from 11 AM to 2 PM at 800 Chief Justice Cushing Highway.</li>
<li><strong>Small Repair Grant Program:</strong> Deadline for applications is October 30, providing up to $3,500 for qualifying homeowners.</li>
<li><strong>Roadwork:</strong> Celco is working on Jericho Road for water main connections.</li>
<li><strong>Committee Openings:</strong> Openings on Advisory and Capital Planning Committees.</li>
<li><strong>Scituate Food Pantry:</strong> The pantry is seeking donations of specific items to support increased client needs.</li>
<h2>Scheduled Items</h2>
<h3>Discuss/Vote: Eagle Scout Project – Town Forest Campsite</h3>
<p><strong>Presenter:</strong> Jake Graziano, Eagle Scout Candidate</p>
<p>Proposal includes creating a campsite with tent platforms, fire ring, trail improvements, and safety signage.</p>
<li><strong>Motion to Approve:</strong> Installation and use of a public campsite under the leadership of Eagle Scout Jake Graziano.</li>
<li><strong>Moved by:</strong> Mr. Gilmore</li>
<li><strong>Seconded by:</strong> Ms. Connolly</li>
<li><strong>Vote:</strong> Unanimous (5-0)</li>
<h3>Public Hearing: Tax Classification</h3>
<p><strong>Presenter:</strong> John Danehey, Chair, Board of Assessors</p>
<p>The Board approved maintaining the residential tax rate factor of 1, with no shift to commercial or industrial properties.</p>
<li><strong>Motion to Approve:</strong> Residential Factor of 1.</li>
<li><strong>Moved by:</strong> Ms. Canfield</li>
<li><strong>Seconded by:</strong> Ms. Connolly</li>
<li><strong>Vote:</strong> Unanimous (5-0)</li>
<h3>Discuss/Vote: Transfer Station Rates</h3>
<p>Proposed increases to sticker fees and mattress disposal fees.</p>
<li><strong>Motion to Approve:</strong> Sticker fee increases to $140 (residential), $60 (additional), $75 (senior). Mattress fee increase to $75.</li>
<li><strong>Moved by:</strong> Ms. Canfield</li>
<li><strong>Seconded by:</strong> Ms. Connolly</li>
<li><strong>Vote:</strong> Unanimous (5-0)</li>
<h2>New Business</h2>
<h3>Discuss/Vote: Drain Layers Renewal</h3>
<p>Renewal for E.L. Margetts & Sons, Inc. and Mankewich Contracting, Inc.</p>
<li><strong>Motion to Approve:</strong> Renewal of Drain Layers Licenses.</li>
<li><strong>Moved by:</strong> Ms. Canfield</li>
<li><strong>Seconded by:</strong> Mr. Gilmore</li>
<li><strong>Vote:</strong> Unanimous (5-0)</li>
<h2>Other Business</h2>
<li><strong>Liaison Reports:</strong> Updates on DEI, shellfish, schools, and conservation projects.</li>
<li><strong>Approval of Minutes:</strong> October 8, 2024, minutes.</li>
<li><strong>Motion to Approve:</strong> Moved by Ms. Canfield, Seconded by Ms. Connolly, Unanimous (5-0)</li>
<li><strong>Adjournment:</strong> Time: 9:48 PM, Moved by Ms. Canfield, Seconded by Ms. Connolly, Unanimous (5-0)</li>
<h2>List of Documents for October 22, 2024 Meeting</h2>